Ready to Book a Visit to The Laser Room?

Please read the information below!

Information for new clients

First of all, HELLO! And thank you for taking the time to visit the website. If you got this far, I am sure your interested in booking a laser treatment or have booked one and are simply waiting for your appointment.

Here is some great info to know going into the appointment.

  1. ALL clients require a consultation for LASER services. This does NOT include basic facials, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, dermaplaning, and microneedling services. Those appointments include skin assessments in the appointment times. There is no way around this. Please do not book a service and hope to be able to squeeze in a treatment if no time allows on the booking site.
  2. All consultations require clients to complete important paperwork. We need to gather this information for legal and insurance purposes. This information is also gathered to determine if you’re a candidate for laser.
  3. We are NOT doctors. We consult with a doctor and nurse, but do not have any on staff to diagnose your concerns. If you have a pigmentation concern, please get it diagnosed by a doctor prior to booking a treatment session. Do not book a consult for us to assess something that has not been diagnosed. Do not continue to book consults for each appointment once you have already had one. We do not need to do a formal consult prior to every service once the initial consult is complete. We will ask follow up questions like: Has your medications changed? Have you been in the sun today?
  4. When you book your appointment online, you will be sent a confirmation and reminder. Please remember to confirm your appointment.
  5. If you CANNOT make your appointment, please let us know. You can cancel online if your over 24 hours from your appointment time, call, Dm, or email us to let us know. We have a Cancellation Policy and there is now a 50% fee charge if you NO SHOW or Cancel an appointment within 24 hours of your session. We also ask to please do not continue to change appointment days/times. Continually moving appointments is not recommended. (50% of your service fee is automatically charged at your next service when you no show or last minute cancel). Please be kind and respectful of our time. We really appreciate it.
  6. We treat clients as young as 14 years old with parental consent. This is the only time two people may enter a treatment room. A parent or guardian must come to the initial consultation and sign the consent form for their child.
  7. We do not have safety goggles made for children and do not have child minding on site. Please leave all children at home.
  8. We cannot have more than one person in our treatment rooms at a time so please do not bring people to watch the service. Our clinical staff need to fully concentrate on your laser treatment and cannot have additional distractions.
  9. The consult is booked for 20 minutes. Please plan to arrive 5 to 10 mins early. We are really not hard to find. Just a pro tip, do not turn off Kaska Rd. We are ON Kaska Rd (the entire front of the spa is covered in window wrap with our name and logo). Park on the WEST side of the building where we have 3 designated stalls or on the EAST where we have 2 designated stalls. Roadside parking out front is also available.
  10. We are located at 376 Kaska Rd in Sherwood Park, Alberta.

Pre/Post Care Instructions for Laser Services:

  • Absolutely no waxing, threading, tweezing or nair (chemical hair removal) in the area(s) to be lasered. (Laser Hair Removal)
  • No heating up the area that has been treated after your session for 24 hours. This includes: hot tubs, hot showers, working out, brisk walking outside, yoga, pilates, bike riding, sexual activity, tanning, tanning beds, tanning accelerators. DO NOT HEAT THE AREA AFTER YOUR TREATMENT. The next day you will be safe to resume activity.
  • No swimming pools after your treatment
  • You can workout prior to your treatment but please come clean and freshly shaven (if getting Laser Hair Removal)
  • Please preclean the area to be lasered. Do not show up post gym, all sweaty and dirty or full of make up (laser facials). We need the time in treatment to treat you and pamper you as much as humanly possible.
  • We do have baby wipes if you want to give one last clean prior to your treatment
  • We do have disposable panties for laser services below the waist if you are uncomfortable without panties. But keep in mind, we have modesty towels and will keep you mostly covered during your laser hair removal session.
  • Please wait one week post laser to exfoliate the treated area. Do not scratch or excessively rub any treatment area
  • Avoid direct sun exposure (sun bathing) for 3 days prior, day of and up to 3 days post treatment.
  • PIGMENTATION laser treatments (especially treating sun damage) should be avoided in the summer
  • PIGMENTATION treatment clients MUST stay out of the sun for minimum a week post treatment and MUST always wear SPF (a physical sunblock)
  • We cannot laser over exposed and sun burnt skin. If you get a burn, please treat it and reschedule your appointment.
  • DO NOT go to a tanning bed immediately after your session! Read above again!
  • If the treated area gets warm or irritated (you did not listen to above rules and worked out or went in the sun or took a nice hot shower), you may apply aloe, polysporin or ice packs.
  • It is NORMAL to get raised, pink and slightly swollen follicles after a laser treatment. This will go away
  • Plan your botox and injectables accordingly. We cannot laser over botox and injectables for 21 days. We also will not perform any other service for 21 days post botox. This is not safe for you and will not benefit you in any way.
  • We will tell you when you have had enough treatments. Especially for the anti-aging laser facials.
  • Please read and follow our cancellation policy. All clients sign the policy prior to any treatment.
  • If you have had your underarms lasered, you may wear deodorant after your session. Please try to come to your treatment without deodorant. We also have wipes and towels if you forget.
  • LASER HAIR REMOVAL: We need to laser you in the growth stage of your hair growth cycle. Your hair will grow after being treated. We want this to happen. You will then experience a shedding which can result in 10 to 20% reduction in follicles each treatment.
  • We can and do treat many ladies who suffer from PCOS. You are NOT alone and we are here to help you.
  • You may experience skin lightening or skin darkening after a pigmentation treatment. This is not permanent, does not happen often and will not hinder progress.
  • You may want to prenumb (apply a thick layer of numbing cream) 45 mins prior to your Tattoo Removal appointment or let us know if you require numbing to book extra time.
  • A large number of clients are still coming to their appointments in masks. This is OK! You can (or not) wear a mask.
  • We will continue to follow the strict cleaning protocols that were in place during the COVID-19 Pandemic. We will give 110% effort to keep you (and us) safe.
  • Do not ever verbally abuse or bully staff at The Laser Room of Sherwood Park.
  • Most importantly, come to be pampered, have great conversation and relax.


Pre/Post Care Instructions for Chemical Peels / Dermaplaning / Microneedling / Facials and Microdermabrasion

  • It is highly recommended to pretreat cold sores prior to facial / laser services.
  • We cannot treat over an open sore or cold sore. Please reschedule if you are experiencing either
  • Discontinue use of Retinol, Glycolic, other Alpha Hydroxy Acids, Salicylic, Beta Hydroxy Acids or other exfoliation products 7 days prior to your treatment.
  • Discontinue prescription Retinoid products 7 days prior to your treatment.
  • No waxing, electrolysis or chemical hair removal products 7 days prior to treatment
  • No botox, collagen or fillers for 21 days prior to or after any treatment
  • Follow our prescribed skin care regime for optimal, long term results.
  • A slight rosy glow may appear for 24 to 48 hours. Your skin may feel wind burned post peel and needling and will be vulnerable.
  • Your risk of sunburn will increase substantially. Please stay away from sun bathing while you are being professionally treated
  • You may experience dry skin and peeling post peel services
  • You may resume all activity and return to work immediately.
  • You must wait 24 hours post microneedling to apply make up or any other product to your skin
  • Do not rub or scratch your face after any facial treatment
  • Keep your hands away from your face after your treatment!! Do not introduce any bacteria or dirt to your professionally treated skin
  • You must protect your skin daily and use a great physical sunblock.

What to expect at your first visit (Consultation) at The Laser Room of Sherwood Park

  • We are located just off the major roadways coming into Sherwood Park. (Henday and Yellowhead)
  • We offer free parking right out front and have designated stalls on the WEST side of the building, so less stress for you! DO NOT turn off Kaska Rd. The entire front of the spa (full windows) are covered in window wrap with our name and logo in our brand color, YOU WILL NOT MISS US!
  • You will be greeted by your clinical Esthetician or one of the lovely receptionists and asked to complete paperwork if you have not completed the online forms.
  • You will then be brought into one of the treatment rooms for your consultation
  • This is where you can ask any and all questions you have about our services
  • We will give you a pamphlet, handout on aftercare, a candy and a promo item like a stress ball
  • If you are being treated after your consult, we will provide a wrap and allow you time to change
  • We will always knock before entering the room again and once we reenter the room, we lock the door for additional privacy.
  • Cash is king! We are accepting cash payments, debit or credit. We also take etransfer at [email protected]     
  • Tipping Etiquette: We do not expect tips from every client, everytime but cash tips are very appreciated (tip option also on our machine). Tipping etiquette and courtesy suggests tipping 15, 18 or 20% of the cost (original  not sale price) of your service. All tips go directly to your clinical esthetician.
  • We can rebook your next treatment for you or ask you to book it online if another client is waiting in the waiting area. We must respect all clients time. Thank you for understanding.